CBS “Reality Check” Confirms: Heidi Ganahl is on the Wrong Side of Colorado Voters

In her “Reality Check” segment on CBS, political specialist Shaun Boyd examined an ad on Heidi Ganahl’s record–and confirmed Ganahl’s extreme positions reflected in the ad are on the wrong side of Colorado voters.

Boyd’s analysis:

  • “[Ganahl] chose an election denier as her running mate”: FAIR.

  • “[Ganahl] called a Colorado law protecting abortion rights ‘disgusting’”: TRUE. 

  • Ganahl said she would “rip up” RHEA, the law protecting abortion rights in Colorado: TRUE.

Boyd’s Bottom Line: “Most Coloradans are anti-Trump and pro-abortion, and this ad puts Ganahl on the opposite side of both issues–which, if you want to win statewide in Colorado, is not a good place to be.”



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