Ganahl Doubles Down on Eliminating Colorado’s Abortion Protections

“I Did Rip Up That Disgusting Bill” 

Heidi Ganahl alienated Coloradans even further Sunday night at a gubernatorial forum, pledging once again to “rip up” the Reproductive Health Equity Act, which protects Coloradans’ access to abortion–making it abundantly clear in her answer that she is pro-forced birth.

Ganahl also repeated the lie that RHEA allows abortion “on their birth date.” Medical experts agree that abortions in the third trimester are exceedingly rare and not a casual occurrence as Ganahl implies.

Colorado voters have rejected at least six abortion bans since 2000, the most recent being 2020’s extreme Proposition 115, which had no exceptions for rape and incest.

“In the face of the overturn of Roe v. Wade earlier this year, Colorado Democrats have worked to protect our freedoms and prevent the criminalization of women and their doctors in our state. Coloradans have rejected abortion bans over and over again, and Heidi’s extreme agenda will be no different.” – Colorado Democratic Party spokesperson Kailee Stiles




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