ICYMI: Heidi Ganahl’s Tax Plan? “Naïve” and “Reckless,” Experts Say

Today, new analysis of Republican Heidi Ganahl’s zero income tax “plan” features serious criticism from Colorado economists and clearly indicates the extreme idea would defund schools and law enforcement while forcing municipalities to increase other taxes.  

“It’s naive, to say the least,” said University of Colorado political economist Sven Steinmo, adding that it was an “easy thing to promise…but the state of Colorado would essentially shut down.”

Other experts also criticized the proposal’s vagueness, and concluded from what little we do know that local governments would have to raise taxes on property or sales, or make major cuts in education, roads, and law enforcement. 

Added Bell Policy Center President Scott Wasserman: “When you say reckless things like ‘We can cut the state income tax to zero and everything will be fine,’ you’re intentionally misleading and miseducating voters and it leads to confusion and frustration.”

“Reckless. Naive. Bulls#*t. Experts agree, Heidi Ganahl’s one idea to cut costs for Coloradans is completely out-of-touch. ” –Colorado Democratic Party spokesperson Kailee Stiles



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