MAGA Heidi Conspiracies Countdown DAY 4: Elevating Eastman 

During her campaign, MAGA Heidi expanded her coterie of extremists to include John Eastman, architect of the January 6th coup plot. Ganahl went out of her way to try to meet with Eastman, reports show, and called him “fantastic” during his involvement at the ultra-conservative CU Benson Center for Western Civilization.

Ganahl not only refused to condemn Eastman for his involvement in the plot, she defended him to other CU Regents who wanted to call for his dismissal. 

She then told the Colorado Sun that Eastman’s career–which included chairing the homophobic National Organization for Marriage and attempting a similar “alternate electors” plot in the 2000 election–was “stellar.” 



MAGA Heidi Conspiracies Countdown DAY 3: Danny the Denier


MAGA Heidi Conspiracies Countdown DAY 5: Anti-Abortion Radical