MAGA Heidi Conspiracies Countdown DAY 7: Confluence of Co-Conspirators

Heidi Ganahl’s campaign has been filled with conspiracy theorists, far-right extremists with MAGA Heidi at the very top of the chain. 

At the beginning of her campaign, MAGA Heidi signaled to supporters that she didn’t believe the 2020 election was legitimately decided for President Joe Biden by refusing to answer questions about her position and calling those questions “divisive.” She later called the 2020 election “shady.”

More recently, Ganahl nominated Danny Moore to be her Lieutenant Governor, who has directly questioned the 2020 election. 

Ganahl has also said that John Eastman, Trump’s coup architect, was “fantastic,” “stellar,” and that she advocated against firing him even after it was revealed he was at the center of the plot to steal the election. 

Ganahl boasted about bringing “Boris and Brad” onto the campaign this summer, referring to Boris Epshteyn, who tried to install alternate pro-Trump electors for the 2020 presidential election and Brad Parscale, Trump’s former campaign manager. She said this on Steve Bannon’s show, which she appeared on three times shortly before he was indicted for contempt of Congress. 

Ganahl has also appeared on far-right extremist Charlie Kirk’s show and been endorsed by him, even calling him a “dear friend.” Kirk regularly questions the 2020 election results, promotes anti-LGBTQ misinformation and anti-immigrant rhetoric.

Ganahl’s extremist allies don’t stop there. She has appeared on the shows of Trump advisor Sebastian Gorka, anti-Muslim extremist Frank Gaffney, at anti-abortion extremist Jeff Hunt’s CCU Western Conservative Summit, and campaigned with anti-LGBTQ extremist Matt Walsh.



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MAGA Heidi Conspiracies Countdown DAY 8: Anti-LGBTQ Agenda