BREAKING: Gardner Took $68,000 from Postmaster General DeJoy As NRSC Chair

Donations exposed after Gardner refused to answer questions on the controversy-riddled Postmaster General & delayed mail delivery

Hickenlooper in NYT: “It just makes me want to pull my hair out”

FIRST: Salon reported today that, while Senator Cory Gardner served as chair, Mitch McConnell’s campaign arm received max-out donations -- $68,900 -- from the controversy-riddled Postmaster General Louis DeJoy.

THEN: As DeJoy dismantles the USPS to undermine the election, causing delays in veterans receiving their medications, No Comment Cory is refusing to answer questions and say whether he supports the Postmaster General’s actions.

Gardner has refused to stand up to the Trump administration’s “transparent effort to try to suppress participation in the November 2020 election,” but instead has been parroting Trump’s talking points bashing nationwide vote-by-mail. The New York Times covered Gardner’s failure to defend the USPS and vote-by-mail, in which John Hickenlooper had the same reaction as many Coloradans: “It just makes me want to pull my hair out, and Cory Gardner hasn’t said a word.”

Postal workers even protested Gardner’s lack of leadership outside his office, saying that nearly 20% of Colorado’s mail processing machines -- vital to voting by mail -- were being dismantled by the Trump administration’s sabotage. 

But per usual, Gardner is beholden to the special interests backing his campaign -- like DeJoy -- over Coloradans who need him to lead. 



ICYMI: “The Pressure is Mounting” As Gardner Fails to Deliver COVID Relief, Dodges Questions on Pendley & Trump’s Attack on USPS


Gardner Dodges Questions on Trump “Sabotaging” USPS, Postmaster General Slowing Mail Delivery