2025 State Re-Org

Candidates for Colorado Democratic Party Leadership


Stephanie Bowman

Jarrod Munger

Shad Murib

1st Vice Chair

Indira Duggirala

Rosana “Dondi” Reyes RN

2nd Vice Chair

Scott Mangino

Terrance “TJ” Hestond


Josh Trupin


Andy Yaste

State reorganization will be on March 8th in Aurora. Check-in begins at 8:00 am. Gavel in at 9:00 am.

Candidates may submit a filing letter to the Chair (shad@coloradodems.org) and Secretary (josh@coloradodems.org) of the party and cc ED Karin Asensio (karin@coloradodems.org) by February 14, 22 days prior to March 8’s state reorg.