Bye Cory! -- Colorado Chooses Change, Elects John Hickenlooper to the U.S. Senate

Denver, CO - The Colorado Democratic Party released the following statement in response to the news that Colorado has elected former governor John Hickenlooper to to the U.S. Senate, kicking out Cory Gardner:

Morgan Carroll, Chair of the Colorado Democratic Party:

“Senator Cory Gardner consistently put Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump ahead of Colorado, and Coloradans made it clear that he was not worthy of a second term. Senator Gardner desperately tried to deceive Coloradans about his record of trying to rip away our health care, selling out our public lands, and failing to deliver pandemic relief. Coloradans were not fooled. Coloradans are ready for a Senator John Hickenlooper, who will roll up his sleeves and bring people together to tackle climate change, expand health care, and bring change to Washington."



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GARDNER’S CLOSING: Campaigning Maskless with QAnon Believer, Missing Own Deadline on Public Lands, Defending Attempt to Gut Coloradans’ Health Care