CNN: McConnell Pulls Strings on Gardner’s Reelection Bid, Helps Him Greenwash “to Cut Campaign Ads”
McConnell “reviews every” deceiving TV ad, gives “counsel and advice to [Gardner] about the messaging”
Denver, CO - A new CNN report reveals that in a desperate attempt to hold the Senate majority, Mitch McConnell is micromanaging Senator Cory Gardner’s messaging, personally approving ads that support him, and even admitted to doling out political favors for the vulnerable Senator who’s been a reliable ally to big-money corporate interests.
While it was widely suspected before, McConnell came clean and admitted that the Great American Outdoors Act was a mere political favor to “help Cory,” so he can “cut campaign ads.” McConnell is desperately trying to paper over Gardner’s record of “supporting Trump and his anti-conservation agenda at seemingly every turn,” but nothing can hide Gardner’s lifetime score of 11% from the League of Conservation Voters and spot on their signature “Dirty Dozen” list.
McConnell’s stunning admission also shows that Gardner could theoretically use his imperiled position to get legislation that helps Colorado across the finish line, but instead has chosen to fall in line with his party bosses and fail to deliver COVID relief, pass the CORE Act, and act on cannabis reform for Coloradans.
McConnell also “reviews every ad that hits the airwaves...on a daily basis, providing counsel and advice to [Gardner] about the messaging,” more proof that Gardner is a loyal footsoldier to his party boss, not working for Coloradans.
The report also reveals that GOP members admitted their partisan “skinny” COVID bill had “virtually no chance of becoming law,” but McConnell pursued it “to insulate his vulnerable members from the onslaught of Democratic attacks,” instead of actually trying to deliver for struggling Coloradans. To no surprise, Gardner made a stink about it on the floor and followed McConnell’s lead.
While Coloradans are struggling to put food on the table, pay rent, and stay healthy, Gardner is playing political games in Washington and following orders from Mitch McConnell.