Coloradans Will Reject Joe O’Dea

Republican Senate candidate and wealthy self-funding CEO Joe O’Dea has been misleading voters on a wide range of issues, including abortion, and Coloradans can’t trust O’Dea. They will ultimately reject O’Dea because they know he would give Mitch McConnell and MAGA Republicans the majority, and his dishonesty signals to voters that he would be a rubber stamp for their far-right agenda that would hurt working Colorado families. O’Dea is clearly out of step with the majority of Colorado voters on abortion, standing with Trump, Mitch McConnell, and MAGA Republicans, climate and public lands, guns, and Medicare and Social Security. 




Standing with Trump, Mitch McConnell, and MAGA Republicans:

  • O’Dea doubled down on calling the Mar-a-Lago investigation a political stunt


  • Backed by the NRA’s Colorado affiliate group.

Medicare and Social Security:

Climate and Public Lands:

  • League of Conservation Voters Victory Fund (LCV) named O’Dea in the Dirty Dozen

Workers, Hypocrisy:

The bottom line: Joe O’Dea’s dishonesty in combination with his far-right record speaks for itself – and working Coloradans can’t trust O’Dea to be a voice for them in the Senate. He is way out of step with a majority of Coloradans on a wide range of issues and his desperate attempts of muddying his record only proves that he’ll say or do anything to get elected. Ultimately, Colorado will reject him because he would give Mitch McConnell and national Republicans the majority they need to enact a dangerous MAGA agenda that hurts Coloradans.


JOINT RELEASE: Staff of the Colorado Democratic Party Unionize, Collective Bargaining Agreement Reached.


MAGA Heidi Conspiracies Countdown DAY 1: MAGA Mania