Colorado Democratic Party Launches The Horizon Project

July 14th, 2023

Denver, CO – The Colorado Democratic Party, in collaboration with Attorney General Phil Weiser, is launching an unprecedented new effort to train and deploy organizers in Colorado’s Eighth Congressional District (CO-8). This unprecedented investment of resources and training will put skilled organizers on the ground over a year ahead of the 2024 General Election, and in advance of this fall’s critical elections across the district. 

“Coloradans expect more from their government than the political games MAGA extremists are playing on our school boards, in our city councils, and in Washington D.C.,” said Shad Murib, Chair of the Colorado Democratic Party. “We’re launching The Horizon Project, a brand new field organizing bootcamp, to train and deploy organizers that will make an impact on local, state, and federal elections in 2023 and 2024 across the district.”

Despite our great successes in 2022, thousands of registered Democrats who typically vote in every election did not vote that year. This program will be especially dedicated to ensuring that these voters are reactivated in time to participate in local elections this fall, and also prepared to vote in 2024’s election.

CO-8 is a top-tier battleground district that can help us win a Democratic majority in Congress, keep our majority on the State Board of Education, and elect community-minded champions to local seats across the district. With such important elections across CO-8 in 2023 and 2024, these CDP-certified organizers will be best-equipped to support community-minded candidates focused on creating jobs, protecting our freedoms, and setting our kids up with a great education – not politicians who put their ideology above our kids, our public health, or our ability to get ahead in life and make our own health care decisions.”

“Showing up and engaging with community members is a critical part of renewing our democracy.  I am honored to be a part of this important outreach and leadership development effort by the Colorado Democratic Party.” said Phil Weiser, Attorney General. 

“I'm really excited about this work. I got elected to my local school board and now to the State Board of Education because people showed up and voted.” said Rhonda Solis, State Board of Education Member CD8. “I'm only the 3rd Latino elected to the State Board of Education since 1950. Votes matter!”


Dafna Michaelson Jenet elected to Senate District 21 


Colorado Democratic Party Launches The Horizon Project