Colorado Democratic Party Chair Shad Murib and CDP CD4 Chair Lisa Chollet on GOP Selecting Greg Lopez for CD4 Special Election

June 10, 2024

DENVER - The Colorado Democratic Party (CDP) responds to the Colorado GOP's selection of Greg Lopez for the June 25th Special Election in Colorado's 4th Congressional District, highlighting stark contrasts in values and acknowledging Lopez as a flawed nominee.

Lopez has twice run for Governor as a Republican and failed. Lopez has a troubling history with law enforcement, including pleading guilty to a charge of harassment after an incident of domestic violence, as well as exerting “improper influence over a federal agency on behalf of his friend,” according to Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney Jason Dunn, following Lopez’s attempt to improperly steer federal resources to a friend.

"We simply don’t need another scandal-ridden politician focused more on how big their Washington D.C. condo is than in doing the job of the people. Lopez’s hyper-political views fly in the face of rural values, and his troubling run-ins with the law, including for domestic violence, disqualify him for public office,” said Shad Murib, Chair of the Colorado Democratic Party.

Echoing these sentiments, CD4 Chair Lisa Chollet emphasizes, "Our district deserves leadership that prioritizes equity, healthcare access, and environmental stewardship. Greg Lopez's track record does not reflect these essential values. His history of violating state and federal laws is not only disqualifying but disturbing."


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