Colorado Democratic Party to launch the Colorado County ComebackThe Next Frontier of Colorado Politics is Local

June 6, 2024

DENVER - The Colorado Democratic Party (CDP) is proud to launch the Colorado County Comeback, a strategic initiative designed to take the fight to elect community-minded folks to battleground county-level district seats. This project will prioritize targeted investments into counties and candidates, comprehensive campaign planning, rigorous training, and robust staff support for dynamic campaigns led by both incumbents and challengers, finally giving county-level races the same attention that we have historically provided state legislative contests. 

A first round of applicants will be awarded with the initial grants, with more grant opportunities possible later in the year.

The Colorado Democratic Party’s investment in local counties is in stark contrast to the Colorado GOP, which has bled nearly $78,000 from their counties just last month – cutting critical resources to communicate with voters to satiate the ego of their Chair and unethically fund his doomed campaign for Congress.

Why Counties: Of Colorado’s county commissioners, only 34% are Democrats. The stats only become more dire for our Party when considering Boards of Education, city councils, and other county-level positions. 

While Democrats are focused on bringing down the cost of living and protecting our outdoor spaces, far-right MAGA extremists on commissions are more interested in censoring books and are in the pockets of polluters; GOP commissioners are holding back progress on delivering federal resources and creating the dynamic new jobs that will revitalize communities across Colorado, all the while gerrymandering themselves into power. It’s time to end the supermajority of far-right Republican commissioners in Colorado.

The next frontier of Colorado politics is local. By focusing on local races, we’ll cultivate grassroots success that can translate into significant victories at the Congressional and statewide levels.

Why the Colorado County Comeback?

  • Building a Bench: Local elected officials are the backbone of our party. They are current and future state leaders. By supporting county-level candidates today, we are nurturing the leaders of tomorrow.

  • Growing Our Rural Parties: Strong local campaigns invigorate our base, increase voter engagement, and build the volunteer infrastructure essential for larger-scale elections.

  • Local Impact = Statewide Gains: By winning crucial county commissioner seats, we create a ripple effect that strengthens our standing in Congressional Districts and statewide offices, as well as our city councils and other local races. The next frontier of Colorado politics is local, and our focus on these races is key to sustained Democratic success.

"The next frontier of Colorado politics is local," said Shad Murib, Chair of the Colorado Democratic Party. "From protection of our public lands to better zoning laws for small businesses and affordable housing, local elected officials are shaping the future of our state and the next generation. This is about more than partisanship: Coloradans deserve elected officials who care more about their communities than their politics, and we’re excited to help our recruited candidates win big races up and down the ballot this fall."

“We are really excited to connect local candidates to a state-wide network of resources to help with communication & advocacy. Every voter deserves to have a candidate that will listen to their pocketbook and housing issues, and understand that sustainability is a critical piece of their kids’ future,” said Andy Kerr, County Commissioner, Jefferson County. 

“Representative leadership at the county level is long overdue to ensure that all people in El Paso County are respected, listened to, and served,” said Naomi López, County Commissioner Candidate, El Paso County. “The time is now.”

"I’m proud to be part of the Colorado County Comeback project and grateful to the Colorado Democratic Party for recognizing the importance of Local elections. It’s true that all politics is local and the decisions that are made by County Commissioners have a significant impact on our communities. It’s critical that our values and communities are represented in these spaces. By coming together across the state, we can work together for a better Colorado for All," said Steven Arauza, Garfield County Commissioner Candidate.  

“I am very excited about the Colorado County Comeback program being rolled out to county level races. All politics is local and this program will allow me to tailor my message to the community I want to serve. Thank you CDP,” said Robb Green,  Park County Commissioner Candidate


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STATEMENT: Congressman Jason Crow and CDP Chair Shad Murib on the Anniversary of January 6