Colorado Dems Statement on the Inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
Denver, CO - The Colorado Democratic Party released the following statement after President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris were sworn in as President and Vice President respectively:
Morgan Carroll, Chair of the Colorado Democratic Party:
“Today our Constitution and democratic institutions have prevailed as we witnessed the historic swearing-in of the 46th President of the United States and our nation’s Madam Vice President. Today, I watched with pride and patriotism as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took the sacred oaths to lead our country, and I stand optimistic for the promise of tomorrow as President Biden and Vice President Harris step up to tackle the many challenges we face.”
“It is morning again in our great nation, and I look forward to watching the Democratic members of Colorado’s Congressional delegation work with the Biden Administration to lead us past the pandemic, rebuild our economy, and to heal the soul of our nation.”