Does Gardner Agree That State & Local Governments Should Go Bankrupt Responding to Coronavirus Pandemic?

Denver, CO - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell argued that state and local governments should be able to “use the bankruptcy route” after he refused to include additional needed funds to help communities respond to the coronavirus pandemic. While Senate Democrats fought to provide an additional $150 billion in relief to state and local governments, “the money didn't make it into the final bill because of objections from Republicans and the Trump administration.” Local and state governments are on the frontlines addressing the pandemic, all while their funding sources are drying up -- many “face layoffs, service cuts, projects derailed.

Colorado Democratic Party Spokesperson Eli Rosen:

“While our state and local governments work tirelessly to keep our communities safe, Senator Gardner and Mitch McConnell left them high and dry in the recent relief package. Adding insult to injury, Mitch McConnell thinks Colorado communities should be able to go bankrupt rather than receiving more needed relief. Coloradans need to know: Why won’t Senator Gardner use his sway with Mitch McConnell to secure relief that Colorado communities desperately need?”  



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