Colorado Democratic Party Doubles GOP’s Fundraising in May

GOP raises less than half of CDP’s fundraising haul according to May FEC reports

DENVER - The Colorado Democratic Party (CDP) announced that it raised $113,016.40 in May, 2024, and spent $101,783.91 on strategic investments in advance of this fall’s election, including adding staff to The Horizon Project, the CDP’s deep canvassing initiative in Congressional District 8. 

This month’s fundraising reports have continued to expose the Colorado GOP's completely reckless spending habits, raising just $55,570.42 – $23,240 of which came from GOP county parties – and spending $89,724.46, including $19,445.29 on GOP Chair Dave Williams’ own campaign. 

The GOP has unabashedly channeled county and donor money towards boosting their Chair’s own campaign for Congress, and towards spreading hateful messaging aimed at LGBTQ+ Coloradans during Pride month, insisting that Coloradans burn Pride flags this month. The Colorado Democratic Party firmly and adamantly condemns this hate speech. With meager receipts and substantial monthly expenses, the GOP's financial strategy appears more focused on spreading hate and being the Chair’s slush fund all the while draining their county parties of resources.

The CDP, in contrast, has  launched the Colorado County Comeback, a grant initiative that will invest state party resources into county parties with contested county commissioner races, particularly in rural areas. $3,000 grants will be delivered to the first batch of recipients in July. 

“Developing an operation as dedicated to counties as our state legislative programs was one of my top priorities when campaigning for CDP Chair, and I’m thrilled that we’re able to make these investments in communities across the state,” said CDP Chair Shad Murib. “We’re building an operation that will not only win in 2024, but also build long-term infrastructure in communities across the state, especially outside the Front Range.”

Finally, leveraging its historic fundraising, the Democratic National Committee announced that the Colorado Democratic Party will receive new targeted investments to strengthen its coordinated campaign and boost Democratic wins in down-ballot races. 

This new funding is part of the DNC’s significant, ongoing investments in state parties since President Biden took office and Jaime Harrison became Chair of the DNC. Under President Biden and Chair Harrison’s leadership, the DNC has increased its yearly investment in state parties by 25 percent and delivered the largest-ever investment in state parties from the DNC cycle to date. On top of previous investments, today’s announced investment in Colorado is tailored to meet the state party’s unique needs.

Colorado: Colorado is a rapidly growing state and one of the youngest in the country. With many young people reaching voting age for the first time, the DNC invested six-figures for campus organizing programming across the state. These efforts will solidify Democrats’ status in the state for years to come. In total, the DNC has invested upwards of $470k this cycle thus far in the state. 

“The DNC is committed to re-electing President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, and, as President Biden has made clear since his inauguration — Democrats must also win up and down the ballot and strengthen organizing across all 50 states,” said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison. “Today’s announced investment in the Colorado State Democratic Party shows that priority in action. Colorado Democrats have fought tirelessly to better the lives of Colorado and defend against Trump and Republicans’ extreme agenda to rip away Americans’ most fundamental rights. With record-breaking fundraising under President Biden and a winning agenda Americans’ overwhelmingly support, the DNC and Democratic state parties across the country have the momentum to strengthen coordinated operations to deliver wins for Democrats and all Coloradans.”

"The Colorado Democratic Party is thrilled to receive this grant from the Democratic “National Committee,” said Colorado Democratic Party Chair Shad Murib. “Colorado is one of the youngest states in the country, and we know the value of meeting our young voters where they are. We're determined to do what it takes to ensure that Colorado remains a Democratic stronghold for years to come and re-elect President Biden, Vice President Harris, and our Democrats down the ballot so that they can keep delivering for Coloradans.”


Colorado Democratic Party 2024 Candidates


El Partido Demócrata de Colorado demuestra su solidaridad con la comunidad Latina contra los esfuerzos de la derecha para suprimir votos.