MAGA Heidi Conspiracies Countdown DAY 10: Anti-Vaccine Fever 

The Colorado Democratic Party is drawing attention to Heidi Ganahl’s dangerous commitment to conspiracies in a countdown to Election Day, continuing with Day 10: Anti-Vaccine Fever.

From the beginning of her campaign, MAGA Heidi has trafficked in vaccine misinformation. She even held an event with right-wing radio host Dennis Prager just weeks after announcing her candidacy.

During the town hall Prager called vaccines for children “child abuse” and bragged about putting people at risk by intentionally tring to catch COVID. When Prager tested positive for COVID after the event, the Ganahl campaign was forced to contact the attendees they put at risk by bringing Prager to Boulder.

Most recently, Ganahl has begun spreading misinformation around the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines for children. 



Statement on the Passing of House Minority Leader Hugh McKean


MAGA Heidi Conspiracies Countdown DAY 11: Furry Fury