NEW: JFK’s Family Demands Gardner Remove Misleading Greenwashing Ad, “Deeply Offended” That Gardner “Maligns” JFK’s Legacy

JFK’s Niece: “You have supported Trump[’]s decimation of the EPA and fueled global warming. You are a disgrace.”

Denver, CO - The family of President John F. Kennedy is demanding Senator Cory Gardner take down a misleading greenwashing ad that invokes Kennedy’s legacy without permission. Kennedy family members say they are deeply offended” that Gardner “maligns” JFK’s legacy, and are demanding that he “remove this ad now. 

The Kennedy family notes that Gardner has “supported Trump[‘]s decimation of the EPA and fueled global warming,” which has earned him a failing 11% lifetime score from the League of Conservation Voters and demanded that Gardner “NOT use words + images of JFK to hide behind [his] assault on air, land + water.

This latest greenwashing ad comes after Gardner’s other one, “Both Parties,” was shredded for featuring two registered Republicans — a Parks official who was ousted for corruption and the founder of a “hollow shell” sham organization that was started by Gardner’s Big Oil allies on taxpayer time, leading to an ethics complaint for doing political work on the people’s dime. 

Colorado Democratic Party spokesperson Eli Rosen: 

“Cory Gardner is no JFK. With just two days remaining in this campaign, Gardner needs to immediately respect the wishes of the Kennedy family and remove his disgraceful greenwashing ad that tarnishes JFK’s name. Stop misleading voters about your record and do the right thing.” 


OOF: Gardner’s Billionaire Allies “Mistakes Grand Canyon for Colorado” In Desperate Greenwashing Ad


WATCH: Cory Gardner's Last Major Interview Spooks Voters, Shows He’s Skeleton of A Senator With No Guts