NEW POLL: Gardner’s Favorability Twelve Points Underwater, Trailing 15 Points With Crucial Independent Voters
Pollster: “Mitch McConnell is in trouble if he is counting on Republican Cory Gardner's re-election to the U.S. Senate to help cement McConnell's GOP Senate Majority"
Denver, CO - A new 9News and Colorado Politics poll has Senator Cory Gardner’s favorability twelve points underwater as he trails John Hickenlooper by 15 points with crucial independent voters. With poll after poll showing Gardner is deeply unpopular and a rubber stamp for President Trump, the pollster drew the inevitable conclusion that “Mitch McConnell is in trouble if he is counting on Republican Cory Gardner's re-election to the U.S. Senate to help cement McConnell's GOP Senate Majority."
Despite Gardner and his dark money allies spending millions on TV to deceive voters, Coloradans are fed up with the president and Gardner’s failed leadership and we are “poised to reject President Donald Trump and his close ally Gardner” this November.
Other takeaways from another rough poll for Gardner:
- The majority of Coloradans disapprove of the Senate rushing a SCOTUS nominee through before the election — but Gardner caved to Trump’s pressure, “flip-flopped” on his own 2016 commitment, and gave Mitch McConnell the “key vote” to ram through Trump’s anti-ACA nominee.
- Gardner is trailing by nearly 20 points to Hickenlooper with Colorado women, with more than 50% favoring the Democrat.
- Gardner is trailing nearly 30 points to Hickenlooper with Colorado's Hispanic voters, 57% to 30%.
- Hickenlooper is pulling nearly 10% of Republican voters to cross party lines and vote for him.
- Hickenlooper is leading in Western Colorado, usually a GOP stronghold.
The 9News and Colorado Politics poll comes just weeks after another poll showed Gardner’s approval rating is at a failing 34%, even trailing behind President Trump. Another Global Strategy Group poll revealed Hickenlooper is 10 points ahead of Gardner, whom Coloradans believe prioritizes his loyalty to Trump ahead of standing up for our state.