Colorado Democratic Party Votes to Endorse Propositions HH and II and for a Virtual 2024 State Assembly & Convention

September 15th, 2023

DENVER – The State Central Committee of the Colorado Democratic Party endorsed 2023 statewide ballot measures Proposition HH and Proposition II at its State Central Committee meeting on September 14. 

Proposition HH was endorsed with 77.7% of the votes in favor, and Proposition II was endorsed with 96.8% of the votes in favor. 

“Colorado Democrats are working hard to put more money into Coloradans’ pockets, and to invest in giving our kids a great education and that’s exactly what Propositions HH and II do,” said Shad Murib, Chair of the Colorado Democratic Party. “The Republican Party is selling the same old tired plan of giving irresponsible corporations and the wealthiest among us a handout, and Coloradans aren’t buying it. These measures cut the cost of living for working people, renters, seniors, homeowners and businesses.”

The Colorado Democratic Party also voted to hold its 2024 State Assembly & Convention virtually, with 76.4% of votes in favor. Holding a virtual assembly and convention creates an even playing field for every Colorado Democrat to be a part of this important democratic process. 

A fully virtual convention creates equity in this process by:

  • Eliminating the “rural tax” of participation such as hotel rooms, bad weather, gas, and time off from work — difficult challenges and expenses intensely leveraged on Democrats in rural areas to participate.

  • Providing equal access for Coloradans of all abilities to participate in the same way,

  • Allowing working folks to participate without having to take additional time off. 

  • Encouraging youth participation.

“I’m thrilled that the Colorado Democratic Party is making our most important event of the year more accessible than it has ever been for rural folks, working people, Coloradans with disabilities, and young Democrats,” said Murib. “While Colorado Republicans are focused on limiting participation in their Party, we welcome everyone to join the Colorado Democratic Party.”

“Coloradans of all backgrounds and zip codes should never face a barrier to participation in our democracy, and we will engage in a thoughtful and robust community outreach effort to bring as many people into our process as possible,” said Indira Duggirala, 1st Vice Chair of the Colorado Democratic Party. “We look forward to building an even larger and more diverse Democratic Party.”

"For almost a decade now, Americans with disabilities have been pleading with governments and businesses to integrate the use of remote technology into their practices,” said Jack Johnson, Disability Policy Expert and State Central Committee Member. “We’re proud of the Democratic Party for taking this important step that ensures every member of the Party has equal access to the democratic process.”

“By switching to a virtual convention, the Colorado Democratic Party has taken a huge step forward in making the party more accessible to young people,” said Chris Davis, Chair of the Colorado Young Dems. “We cannot afford to travel across the state, take significant time off for work, and pay for room and board that traditional conventions have often required. The Colorado Young Dems applaud CDP's foresight and Chair Shad Murib's work to make sure that all voices can be heard at our state convention!”

To stay up-to-date on what the Colorado Democratic Party is working on, follow us on Twitter here, Facebook here, or Instagram here.


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