Manny Rutinel elected to House District 32

October 2nd, 2023

Congratulations to Manny Rutinel on being selected by the members of the House District 32 Vacancy Committee to fill the vacancy created by Representative Dafna Michaelson Jenet’s resignation following her election as Senator for Senate District 21.

The results were 23 for Manny Rutinel and 5 for Lucy Molina. (During the meeting, the vote was inadvertently reported as 23 to 6).

“I'm honored to be selected to represent HD32 at the Capitol in the next legislative session,” said Representative-elect Manny Rutinel. “Now, I plan to turn my full attention to representing the people of HD32 to the best of my ability. My focus will be on making Colorado more affordable, defending our civil rights, and ensuring everyone has access to clean air, land, and water.”

“I want to congratulate Representative-elect Manny Rutinel, and I also want to thank Lucy Molina for running to fill this vacancy. I look forward to working with Representative Rutinel to deliver on making Colorado an even better place to live, work, and play.” - Shad Murib, Chair of the Colorado Democratic Party


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