STATEMENT: CDP Chair Shad Murib and El Paso County Chair Mischa Smith on Doug Lamborn’s Retirement

January 5th, 2024

Denver - Colorado Democratic Party Chair Shad Murib and El Paso County Chair Mischa Smith released the following statements regarding Doug Lamborn’s retirement from Congress:

“Doug Lamborn was an architect of the MAGA far-right movement we’re seeing breed division in this country, and it’s good for Colorado that he’s retiring. Not only was he a disappointment to Colorado Springs and El Paso County, but it’s clear he was a disappointment to the Republican Party as a whole. We look forward to continuing the fight to elect someone who puts El Paso County first,” said CDP Chair, Shad Murib.

Mischa Smith, Chair of the El Paso County Democrats, stated with conviction, “Doug Lamborn's decision to not seek re-election is a clear indicator of the failed leadership that has plagued our district. His prioritization of the corrupt agenda of a former MAGA president over the needs of his own constituents, especially with the proposed relocation of Space Command, is nothing short of a betrayal. This reckless move threatened our local economy and national security, and it was the Democrats who stepped in to right this wrong. What kind of congressman gambles with the livelihoods of his own people for political gain? This is not just a failure; it's a glaring example of misplaced priorities. We, the El Paso County Democrats, are dedicated to ensuring that our community never again bears the cost of such irresponsible leadership. We are committed to serving the real needs of our constituents with integrity, responsibility, and a relentless pursuit of what is right for our district.”


Applications to run for Delegate to the Democratic National Convention, Presidential Elector and Democratic Committee Member are open to all Democrats in Colorado.


STATEMENT: CDP Chair Shad Murib on Lauren Boebert’s Cowardice