MAGA Colorado Republicans Abandon Border Security and Our Allies To Go on Vacation

February 21st, 2024

After Donald Trump ordered them to kill bipartisan legislation that would secure our border and support our allies abroad, Ken Buck, Lauren Boebert and Doug Lamborn and MAGA House Republicans are taking a two-week vacation. 

“Ken Buck, Lauren Boebert and Doug Lamborn  and Colorado Republicans would rather take a two-week vacation than secure our border and support our allies because actually solving the issues coloradans care about wouldn’t be politically helpful to Donald Trump’s selfish interests,” Colorado Democratic Party Chair Shad Murib said. “Let’s be clear: Lauren Boebert and House Republicans are bowing to Vladimir Putin and refusing to take action to improve border security because Trump said so. Colorado voters are taking note of the contrast as President Biden keeps working to fix our country's broken immigration system and support our allies abroad in spite of the GOP’s shameful failures to act.” 


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