Colorado Democratic Party Announces Delegate Results Following the Colorado Presidential Primary

March 6th, 2024

DENVER – Today, March 6, The Colorado Democratic Party announced the allocation of national delegates to the Democratic National Convention based on the results of the 2024 Presidential Primary.

President Biden won all 72 pledged delegates at stake.

“I want to thank every candidate that put their name forward and I want to thank every voter who participated in our presidential primary ,” said Shad Murib, Chair of the Colorado Democratic Party. “President Biden’s overwhelming victories in Colorado and across the country set the stage for what promises to be a decisive victory this November over Donald Trump. The CDP will leave nothing on the table to protect Coloradans from Donald Trump’s promises to dismantle our freedoms, threaten our democracy, and put his ideology above working people.”

The following delegates will be pledged to President Biden at the Democratic National Convention:

47 District-level Delegates chosen at the April 11 Congressional District conventions

  • First Congressional District: 8 district-level delegates 

  • Second Congressional District: 8 district-level delegates 

  • Third Congressional District: 5 district-level delegates

  • Fourth Congressional District: 5 district-level delegates

  • Fifth Congressional District: 4 district-delegates

  • Sixth Congressional District: 6 district-level delegates

  • Seventh Congressional District: 7 district-level delegates

  • Eighth Congressional District: 4 district-level delegates

16 At-large Delegates chosen at the April 13 State Convention

  • 16 state-level at-large delegates 

9 Party Leader and Elected Official (PLEO) Delegates chosen at the April 13 State Convention

  • 9 Party Leaders and Elected Officials (PLEOs)

To qualify for state-level at-large and PLEO delegates, candidates must receive at least 15% of the vote statewide. Candidates receiving at least 15% of the vote in a congressional district qualify for district-level delegates from that district.

Colorado will send 87 delegates total to the 2024 Democratic National Convention – in addition to the 72 delegates that are allocated based on the results of the presidential primary, Colorado has 15 “automatic” delegates that are not bound by the results of the primary. This includes:


DNC Members 

Shad Murib Colorado,Chair, Colorado Democratic Party

Indira Duggirala Colorado DNC Member, Colorado Democratic Party 

Jena Griswold Dem Assn of Secretaries of State, Colorado Secretary of State 

Radhika Nath Colorado DNC Member 

Joe Salazar Colorado DNC Member 

Jeri Shepherd Colorado DNC Member 


Jared Polis 

US Representatives 

Yadira Caraveo 

Jason Crow 

Diana Degette 

Joe Neguse 

Brittany Pettersen 

US Senators 

Michael Bennet 

John Hickenlooper 

Dist. Party Leaders Leadership Position 

Roy Romer Former DNC General Chair

More information about the delegate selection process is available here. The deadline for candidates to file for delegate, DNC member, or presidential elector is March 18th and candidates may file here.


Colorado Democratic Party Announces CD4 Special Convention Forum & Meeting


Colorado Democratic Party Statement on President Joe Biden’s Victory in Colorado’s Democratic Presidential Primary