Julia Marvin Elected to Represent House District 31

January 18th, 2024

Congratulations to Julia Marvin on being selected by the members of the House District 31 Vacancy Committee to fill the vacancy created by Representative Said Sharbini’s resignation.

The results were 7 for Jacque Phillips and 9 for Julia Marvin. 

“I am deeply honored to have been entrusted with the responsibility of representing House District 31.  I am eager to get to work, listening to the concerns and hopes of the community, and translating that into effective legislative action. Addressing pressing issues such as housing, mental health, environment, education, and the cost of living will be at the forefront of my agenda. I look forward to working together to navigate these challenges and prioritize the well-being of all Coloradoans. ” said Representative-elect Julia Marvin. 

“Congratulations to Julia Marvin. I would've been pleased with either of these candidates. We have a strong leader in Julia Marvin. She, like her opponent, has experience in Thornton City Council, having served on city Council. She knows her community. and their needs.” said Lori Goldstein, Chair of the Adams County Democratic Party.


“Congratulations to Julia Marvin for being chosen to represent House District 31. This is going to be an incredibly important legislative session in our work to cut the cost of living, create jobs, and fully fund our schools. House District 31 is fortunate to have Julia fighting for them and we look forward to their service,” said Shad Murib, Chair of the Colorado Democratic Party.


Colorado Democratic Party announces $187,450.37 January fundraising haul


Applications to run for Delegate to the Democratic National Convention, Presidential Elector and Democratic Committee Member are open to all Democrats in Colorado.